Thursday, December 02, 2021
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
At Upchurch University Center
Balfour will be on campus to answer any and all of your questions about Ring Ceremony! Swing by their table in Upchurch to find your ring size, look at your metal and ring options and learn more about Ring Ceremony.
Putting your college class ring on your finger for the first time is an important and symbolic moment, and Longwood's Ring Ceremony marks the occasion with the emotional richness it deserves.
The day before the ceremony, staff from the alumni office places all rings in a treasure chest designed and decorated by members of Chi and Princeps. The chest remains in the Rotunda overnight under the watchful eye of Joanie. During the ceremony the next day, students are presented their rings as they hear from Longwood's president and a representative of the Alumni Board. Following the ceremony, students are invited to the Rotunda for photos with Joanie and the chest. Orders can be placed up until January 21 for participation in the Ring Ceremony.