Be sure to check out the Longwood Rideboard on Facebook if you are planning a trip. The Longwood Rideboard allows you to see who is going where and when. It's a great way to carpool to save money on gas and help out the environment at the same time!
There is a bike rack located outside every building on Campus for people to park their bikes on campus. Campus Recreation has a number of bikes available to rent on a semester-long basis from Pierson Hall (Health and Fitness Center).
Lancer Park is more accessible to residents with the addition of two bridges for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The vehicular bridge extends from Healey Street in Lancer Park to West Third Street, crossing over High Bridge Trail, and the pedestrian bridge crosses over West Third Street emptying onto Grove Street near Buffalo Street.
The Farmville Area Bus (FAB) service provides transportation throughout the Town of Farmville seven days a week. Longwood students ride the FAB for free by showing their student I.D. when boarding. Longwood staff and faculty can ride the Campus Line (PDF) for free by showing their university ID when boarding. The Campus Line travels back and forth to campus in half-hour intervals enabling staff and faculty to go to Walmart on their lunch hour without losing their parking space. The regular fare for the FAB is $0.25; senior citizens (60 and over) and children under six years of age ride for free. For additional information on the FAB's schedule, please visit the Farmville Area Bus website.
Note for students, faculty, and staff residing at Sunchase Apartments commuting to Longwood University: the Blue Line's Cedar & Third stop is for Sunchase Apartments and the Longwood University stop is across from Pino's Restaurant between Pierson Hall (Health and Fitness Center) and Johns Residence Hall.