*denotes members of the Cormier Honors College for Citizen Scholars
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Adamchak, Amelia Rose* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Adams, Alexis Layne* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Adams, Jenna Grace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Adcook, Emma Kathleen Arts & Sciences President's List N
Adenauer, Camille Reagan Arts & Sciences President's List N
Adkins, Chloe Jane Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Aileo, Juliet Sierra* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Alem, Tinsae * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Alexander, Alyssa Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Alvarez, Daniel F* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Amaya-Hernandez, Jacqueline Idania Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Amburgey, Lea Jewel* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Anderson, Elin Heidi Arts & Sciences President's List N
Anderson, Korynna Anna Arts & Sciences President's List N
Anderton, Jenna Elizabeth Arts & Sciences President's List N
Andris, Ryan Joseph* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Angelo, Ashley Nicole Arts & Sciences President's List N
Arauz Tellez, Ebony Vanessa* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Arcement, Luke Victor* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Archer, Dylan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ashbrook, Grace Howell* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Ashe, Cassianna Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Atkins, Wyatt Hugh Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Avery, Taylor Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bagent, William Tyler Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bagley, Nina Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Bailey, Charity Michelle Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bain, Joshua Michael* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Bajor, Reaya Lea Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Baker, Joseph Elsworth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Baker, Megan Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ball, Robert Brian Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Baltzelle, Hailey Anne Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Banks, Hailee Shania Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bar, Megan Kimberly Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Barbachano, Shawn Lynn* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Barbour, Ryan Michael Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Barefoot, Paityn Brooks* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Bartlett, Savannah Aaliyah* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Bateman, Brandon Lee* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Bellmer, Kylee Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Belote, Hailey Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Benson, Caitlyn Payne* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Besharati, Cailin Michele Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bianco, Juliana M Arts & Sciences President's List N
Biringer, Audrey Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Birkholz, Ariel * Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Blanchard, Haley E Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bohannon, John Robert Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Borden, Megan Nicole* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Borg, Elizabeth Caroline Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bowden, Abigail Grace Arts & Sciences President's List N
Boyer, Joshua Charles* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Branch, Charles Henry Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Branch, Madison Kelis* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Branham, Andrew David Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bright, Caleb William Arts & Sciences President's List N
Britt, Todd Christopher Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Broaddus, Janelle Madeline Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Brown, Aidan Christopher* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Brown, Deirdre O'dea Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Brown, Emily Virgina* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Bruce, Savanna Lynn Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bryan, Samuel * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Bryant, Jordyn Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bryant, Savanna Leigh Arts & Sciences President's List N
Buffkin, Megan Faith* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Bultje, John Patrick Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Bunting, McKenna Catherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Burgos, Isabel * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Burks, Kara Dyllan* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Burns, Amber Grace* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Burrill, Sandrah Marie* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Burst, Alexandra Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Byrd, Lindsay Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cake, Samantha Bridget* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Caldwell, Eli Carey* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Calloway, Tre'Jean Maqruell Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Calvin, Iyana Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Campeau, Madison Riley* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Cannon, Rachel Grace* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Cantu, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cardella, Frank Anthony Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Carey, Mitchell James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Carlo, Nicklaus James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Carlstrom, Emma Kaelyn Arts & Sciences President's List N
Carricato, Ronald Anthony Arts & Sciences President's List N
Carter, Angela Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Carter, Christina Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Carter, Rachel Tirrell Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cash, Morgan Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Cason, Alysa Nevaeh* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Cassidy, Alexandra Nicole Arts & Sciences President's List N
Cedeno, Amanda Paige* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Challis, Thomas Ryan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Chandler, Grace Victoria Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Chapin, Margaret * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Charity, Dionna Janae* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Childress, Ryan Dwayne Arts & Sciences President's List N
Cline, Sarah Catherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cobb, Brandon Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cohen, Carlin Anne Arts & Sciences President's List N
Cohen, Elisabeth Grace* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Coleman, Peyton Elizabeth Arts & Sciences President's List N
Colon, Jaedyn Teodoro* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Cordrey, Sarah Elise Arts & Sciences President's List N
Cosley, Tyler Christian* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Courtney, Mackenzie Blair Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cox, Kyleigh Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Crawford, Annalise Victoria Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Crowley, Timothy Bernard Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Crumbley, Shinesha Sylvia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cuskey, Logan Alexander Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Cyrus, Kenneth Bryson* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Daniel, Oliver Hale Arts & Sciences President's List N
Davis, Ava Joy* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Davis, Katherine Alexis Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Davis, Mallory Isabella* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Dawson, Janelle Marie Love* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Dean, Serena Hollingsworth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Defilippo, Kendra Amber* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Deguzman, Trinity Lauren Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
DeLong, Hannah Katherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Demnicki, Rachel Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Denaro, Frank Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Dennis, Araba Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Derrick, Ashley Masterson Arts & Sciences President's List N
Detrick, Gillian McClaran Arts & Sciences President's List N
Devinney, Breanna Alexis Arts & Sciences President's List N
Diaz-Montealegre, Miguel Angel* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Dierdorf, Madison M* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Dix, Eliot Allen* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Dixon, Carol Louise Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Dobbs, Ava Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Doty, Amanda Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Dove, Lealani Bree Arts & Sciences President's List N
Downer, Emily Paige Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Drinkard, Emma Daley Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Duellman, Nicholas John* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Dvorak, Madison Elyse Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Eaton, Jadyn Riley Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Eddy, John Kennon* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Elam, Tylik J Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Elliott, Justin Carter Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ellis, Daniel Lee* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Ellis, Lucy Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Epperson, Jocelyn Leigh Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Erwin, Brock Edwin Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Estes, Annaii Devon Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Farmer, Emily Ann Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Farmer Rylands, Jacob * Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Fetty, Kasey Paige* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Feuerhelm, Erica Arts & Sciences President's List N
Firestone, Elena Audrey* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Flatley, Rebecca Grace* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Fletcher, Rylee Kay* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Foley, Stormie Lynn* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Forst, Brandon * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Frazier, Abigail Corrine Arts & Sciences President's List N
Freeman, Caitlyn D Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Freeman, Marissa Ann-Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Frey, Katherine Nicole* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Gallimore, Bradford Finn Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gammon, Megan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gardner, William Logan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gates, Jeffrey Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gayhart, Matthew Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gibbons, Sarah Ann Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gibson, Alyssa Leigh Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gibson, Samari A.N. Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gilbert, Collin * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Girata, Ariana Marina Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Glanden, Brodie Christopher* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Glauner, Kayli Danielle Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Glaze, Jasmyn Michele Arts & Sciences President's List N
Glenn, Kelly Michelle Arts & Sciences President's List N
Goldberg, Spencer Ian Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gordon, Emily Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gould, Erin Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Grant, Larry Wayne Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gray, Melonee * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Greene, Kaden Jon Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Gresham, Emma Catherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Grogg, Elaina Irene* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Gurney, Samantha Arts & Sciences President's List N
Gyurik, Maria Rose Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hall, Garrett Michael Arts & Sciences President's List N
Hall, Savannah Jennifer* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Halloway, Jacob Westin Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hamilton, Alexis Isabelle* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Hardy, Ada Lorraine* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Harrington, Hannah Morgan* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Harris, Anne Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Harris, Kaitlyn Gabrielle Arts & Sciences President's List N
Harris, Madison Camilla Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Harrison, Callie B Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Harry, Mackenzie Leigh* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Hartley, Chardonnay Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Harvey, Antonio Keonte* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Harwood, Diana A* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Hay, Lindsey Dakota Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Haynes, Daniel Scott* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Heimbach, Ethan James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Henshaw, Haley Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Henson, Aiyana Kourtney Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hess, Emily Grace Arts & Sciences President's List N
Higgins, Baily Rose Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Higgins, Christian Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hill, Elisha Mariah Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hill, Holly Jasmine* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Hillman, Samuel D Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Hince, Daniel * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Holloway, Kathryn Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Holman, Rha'neisha Ja'nae Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Houchins, Caden Quinn* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
House, Regan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Howard, Ava Rose Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Huang, Kuan Chang Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Huerta, Alexandra Cherie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Hunkele, Thomas Edwin Arts & Sciences President's List N
Hurlich, Brady * Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Iampaglia, Louis Christopher* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Jackson, Anna Kate Xiaohuan* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Jackson, Calvary Faith Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Jeffers, Cierra Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Jester, Calvin Ray Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Johnson, Devan Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Johnson, McKenzie Logan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Johnson, Melaina Lynn* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Jones, Andrew Pryor Arts & Sciences President's List N
Jones, Emma May* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Jones, Shaylise Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Jones, Sydnie Jane* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Jontz, Isabella * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Jubb, Lilian Carrie Arts & Sciences President's List N
Kanagawa, Reagen Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Kassay, Lee Mckennon* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Kellam, Tamiyah Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Kelly, Faith Elisabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Kerns, Sadie Michelle* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Key, Canaan Paynter* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Khan, Saad Aftab* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
King, Megan Rosa Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
King, Molly Scott Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
King, Seth Christian Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Klink, Elizabeth Ashley Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Kraetsch, Makayla * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Kreiner, Jack Roberts* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Krukowski, Hope Marie Louise Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Kukk, Cade Samuel* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Kushner, Mackenzie Lauren Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lacy, Sarah Sophia* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Lam, Morgan Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lankford, Jenna Olivia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lathom, Jenna Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lavallee, Amanda Mindan* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Lavender, Mackenzie Marie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Lawrence, Kacine Danielle Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lewis, Makayla Ann Arts & Sciences President's List N
Li, Kexin Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lineweaver, Olivia Catherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Little, Madeline Ruby Elise Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Liu, Joslyn Shao-Tu Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Lombardo, Saverio Francis* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Looby, Marjorie Elisabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Loucas, Benedict Joseph* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Loucas, Helena Kristina* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Lundeen, Kennedy Rae* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
MacKinnon, Nathaniel Isaac* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Macklin, Logan Harrison Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Magee, Kendall Grace* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Makins, Lee Saady Arts & Sciences President's List N
Malley, Nina Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mann, Ashleigh Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Marle, Annastasia Stephanie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Marowski, Tristan Elise* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Marple, Abigail Renee* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Marshall, Kailyn Imani Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Matthews, Jordan T Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mattox, Michaela Shea Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Maynes, Christina Marie Arts & Sciences President's List N
Mccain, Grace Ann* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
McClimans, Nathan William* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
McClung, Gibson Scott Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
McConnell, Megan Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Mccrickard, Emma Fraser Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mccullough, Isabella Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
McDaniels, Emilie Joan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
McDermott, Ireland Maryn Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
McGovern, Laurel Rosemary* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
McMahon, Delaney Grey Arts & Sciences President's List N
Mcmurtry, Jammie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mcpherson, Jordan Arts & Sciences President's List N
McPhillips, Catherine Claire* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
McSweeney, Katherine Diane Arts & Sciences President's List N
Meadows, Alexandra Dale Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Medley, Janiya Ronnay Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Melton, Harper Elizabeth Arts & Sciences President's List N
Michie, Louisa Margaret Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Milam, Daniele Arts & Sciences President's List N
Minter, Bianca Rose Arts & Sciences President's List N
Mitchell, Briella Rose Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mlynar, Christina Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mobley, Crystal Monai Arts & Sciences President's List N
Monroe, Lilah Mae Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Moore, Briana Larae Arts & Sciences President's List N
Moore, Emma Madison Arts & Sciences President's List N
Moore, Sondra Lily Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Morejon, Mary Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Morgan, CeJay Ryanne Arts & Sciences President's List N
Morley, Caitlyn A* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Moscar, Edison Joy* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Moskalli, Maria Angela Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mottley, Caitlyn Renee* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Moussi, Mohamed A Arts & Sciences President's List N
Moyer, Victoria Grace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Mule, Reese Hayes* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Muller, Lucas Kieran* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Mumford, Ryan Anthony Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Munley, Meagan Ann Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Murphy, Taylor Grace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Napper, Walyn Malik Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Nelson, Cassandra Jade* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Newton, Hannah Sophia Arts & Sciences President's List N
Ngeth, Zachary L* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Nunnally, Trinity Jade Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
O'beirne, Cara Lindsey* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
O'Connor, Stephen G.* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
O'Keefe, Isabelle Lyn Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ocker, Rylee Dakota Arts & Sciences President's List N
Odenkirk, Ryan Allen Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Olejasz, Audrey Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Oliver, Jamia Ariyan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Orellana Guevara, Nicolle Alejandra Arts & Sciences President's List N
Ornoff, Jackson Alexander* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Ortiz, Celia Clotilde Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Overstreet, Austin Carter Arts & Sciences President's List N
Owen, Jenna Nicole* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Owens, Kassidy Paige Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Oxley, Madison Gene Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Palamar, Alayna Skye* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Paris, Luke David* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Park, Kelly Elaine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Pass, Margaret Katherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Pechin, Erin Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Perkins, Mason * Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Perry, Katherina R Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Petersen, Tess Aubrey* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Pickeral, Kylee Rachel Arts & Sciences President's List N
Pickral, Maegan Mckayla Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Pinder, Nicole Diana Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Plas, Jacob Matthew Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Poore, Hailey Brooke Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Poteat, Jacob Matthew* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Puckett, Lillian Grace Arts & Sciences President's List N
Pulley, Taylor Raine* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Quaresma, Gabrielle Patricia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Rainey, Kaitlyn Christine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ramsey, Brian James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ramsey, Kaylee Alexis Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Rapole, Austin Hunter Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ratanataya, Justin Michael Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Raybould, Alyssa Eliana* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Reiffer, Carleigh Olivia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Reiss, Alexandria Diane* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Rhodes, Anna Elizabeth Arts & Sciences President's List N
Riascos, Maria Lucia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Richardson, Leah Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Riddick, Amari Candice Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Riddle, Jade Mckenzie* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Rinker, Kylie * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Rivera, Ciaran Dean Arts & Sciences President's List N
Robertson, Emily Christine* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Robinson, Zuriel Alrindia Arts & Sciences President's List N
Rogers, Hannah Mariel* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Roland, Anthony Bruce Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Rowland, Avery Kyndal Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Rowland, Jacob Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Rowlison, Ainsley C Arts & Sciences President's List N
Ruano Carrillo, Samantha * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Ruddy, Abigail Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Russell, Natalie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Salas, Roxana Danielle Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Sandham, Serena Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Savage, Melissa Hope Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Schaffer, Peyton Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Schesventer, Eric Van Arts & Sciences President's List N
Schettini, Sarah Ann* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Schrader, Angela M Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Schuetz, Mikayla Rose Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Schulman, Evelyn Grace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Schultz, Claire Marie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Schumaker, Amy Michelle Arts & Sciences President's List N
Scotece, Angelina Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Scott, Shakia Monique Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Seagle, Ireland Hamilton Arts & Sciences President's List N
Seiders, Ashley E* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Selintung, Anna Marie Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Sheppard, Kassidy Megan* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Sherrod, Taylor Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Shifflett, Devon Gregory* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Shifflett, Morgan Riley Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Shiflett, Madelyn Davis Arts & Sciences President's List N
Shiflett, Shawn Allen Arts & Sciences President's List N
Siff, Kimberly Pearl* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Sipe, Victoria Faith Arts & Sciences President's List N
Slater, Stephon Anthony Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Slaughter, Jamie Marie Arts & Sciences President's List N
Sloan, Shae Elise* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Smalley, Breanna Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Smidt, Jacob Joshua Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Smith, Julianne Rebecca* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Smith, Madison Grey* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Smith, Nickolaus Ryan Arts & Sciences President's List N
Sommer, Abigail Grace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Sparks, Christopher D* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Speller, Miyah Christina Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Spencer, Bryan James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Spengler, Mary Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Spradlin, Kennedy Nicole Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Stanley, Brooke Allison Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Staton, Bailey Breanne Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Steffenhagen, Emily Judith* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Stettler, Nathan Thomas Arts & Sciences President's List N
Stimpson, Riley Wade Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Stokes, Daniel Aaron Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Strader, Jacob Wallace Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Sweezy, Sierra LaVonne* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Sydnor, Torrence Joel Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Tait, Micaila Christianna Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Talbert, Bryson Henry Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Tapscott, Landon James Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Taylor, Emily L Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Taylor, Jordan Alexandra Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Taylor, Rebecca Mae Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Thomas, Cloe E* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Thompson, Daryl Connor Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Thompson, Emma Katherine Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Thompson, Sydney Marie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Thornton, Malik Rashad Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Tomalesky, Jensen Alexis* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Torres, Jaylene Angelique Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Torrico, Abigayle Gardetz* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Trimble, Justin Rylan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Turner, Phoenix Alexander Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Turpin, Nayla Amaya* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Tyler, Jordan Elizabeth Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ugbomah-Otunuya, Onyinye * Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Unser, Jerome Gerard Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Urban, Quincey * Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Urban, Ryan Michael* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
van Leliveld, Carrie Lorraine Arts & Sciences President's List N
van Nunen, Lara Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Van Vorst, Elliot John Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Vanantwerp, Austin J* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Vanover, Haley Michelle* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Verhappen, Caroline A Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Vickers, Kayla J Arts & Sciences President's List N
Vidanes, Alec Judd Reyes Arts & Sciences President's List N
Villarreal, Isabelle Jholie* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Vinson, Emily Anyce* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Viola, Hannah Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Vrolijks, Isis Alyssa Arts & Sciences President's List N
Waddell, Caleigh Alma Arts & Sciences President's List N
Wade, Emma Patricia Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Walden, Victoria Alicia Arts & Sciences President's List N
Walker, Michiah Jalear Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Wallace, Anna Grace Yi* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Walter, Austin Michael Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Warinner, Regan Drew Arts & Sciences President's List N
Weimer, Chad Allan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Welton-Boxley, Dionna Carmie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Wescott, Holly Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Westbrook, Kailyn R Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Westen, Leah Rosemary Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Wettstein, Emma Rae Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Wheeler, Kylie Clarice Arts & Sciences President's List N
Whetsell, Eric Ryan Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Whetstine, Cassidy Lowery* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Whitby, Dalton Camm* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
White, Christina Marie* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
White, Cierra Nichelle* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
White, Erica Elizabeth* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Wiles, Thomas Christopher* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Wiley, Caitlin Taylor* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Wilkinson, Dylan Baines Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Williams, Hannah Mackenzie* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Williams, Jacob Richard* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Williams, Jett Taylor* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Williams, Laural Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Williams, Torey Monte Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Wilson, Abigail Nicole Arts & Sciences President's List N
Wilson, Jazz K Arts & Sciences President's List N
Wilson, Sarah Bell Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Witt, Tyler Matthew* Arts & Sciences Dean's List Y
Wood, Heath Dusten* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Woody, Mackenzie Ann* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Woolwine, Bryce Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Wright, Delaney Christina Arts & Sciences President's List N
Wright, Kara Jane* Arts & Sciences President's List Y
Wyche, Taniya M Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Yang, Yunqin Arts & Sciences Dean's List N
Ames, Megan Alexis Business & Economics President's List N
Anya, Brooke Chizoba* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Arnone, Amanda Kinglsey Business & Economics Dean's List N
Austin, Charlotte Louise Business & Economics Dean's List N
Avery, Forrest Scott Business & Economics Dean's List N
Ayokunle, Oluwatosin S Business & Economics Dean's List N
Baines, Walton Thomas Business & Economics Dean's List N
Barton, Zoe Catherine Business & Economics Dean's List N
Battersby, Madison Elizabeth* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Baum, Lucinda Victoria* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Beish, Chloe Nicole Business & Economics President's List N
Bennett, Christopher Business & Economics Dean's List N
Blevins, Erin Lillian Business & Economics Dean's List N
Brightwell, Molly Paige Business & Economics Dean's List N
Brown, Cierra * Business & Economics President's List Y
Brown, Mary Sears Business & Economics Dean's List N
Brown, Megan Lin Business & Economics President's List N
Browne, Katherine Rose Business & Economics Dean's List N
Bryant, Sierra Star Business & Economics Dean's List N
Buffkin, Christopher Daniel Business & Economics Dean's List N
Burns, Jeremy Olen Business & Economics Dean's List N
Butcher, Mason Jake Business & Economics Dean's List N
Caniglia, Michaela Rose Business & Economics Dean's List N
Carrasco, Gonzalo Business & Economics Dean's List N
Carter, Cullen Jacob* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Chalkley, D�??Anthony Delana Business & Economics Dean's List N
Cheff, Megan Nicole Business & Economics Dean's List N
Choi, Ester Business & Economics Dean's List N
Clark, Eli David* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Clark, Ryan Michael Business & Economics Dean's List N
Clifford, Elaina Jane Business & Economics Dean's List N
Cobb, Connor McNeal Business & Economics President's List N
Colangelo, Ellen Rose Business & Economics Dean's List N
Conklin, Trenton * Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Cowling, Cole Business & Economics Dean's List N
Daniel, Alexander Scott* Business & Economics President's List Y
David, Delaney Keraghan Business & Economics President's List N
Deitz, Amanda Business & Economics Dean's List N
Dews, Steven Business & Economics Dean's List N
Dos Reis, Luis Fernando Moura Velho* Business & Economics President's List Y
Dunphy, Brendan Keith Business & Economics Dean's List N
Farmer, Rebecca Elizabeth Business & Economics Dean's List N
Feng, Wei-Ching Business & Economics President's List N
Ferraro, Victor Business & Economics Dean's List N
Flores, Leslie Mariah Business & Economics Dean's List N
Flynn, Molly Elizabeth* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Gaskill, Shelby Paige* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
George, Daniel Eric Business & Economics Dean's List N
Granlund, Jesper Isidor Business & Economics Dean's List N
Hamner, Addison Hope Business & Economics Dean's List N
Harrigal, Sean Business & Economics President's List N
Hart, Raigan Ashley Business & Economics Dean's List N
Hatch, Isabella Business & Economics Dean's List N
Hederich, Nina * Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Heinz, Samantha Ann Business & Economics President's List N
Hicks, Trey * Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Hoke, McKayla Alexandra Business & Economics Dean's List N
Holmes, Connor Patrick Business & Economics Dean's List N
Hunter, Allison * Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Hurley, Cailey Ann Business & Economics Dean's List N
Hutzler, Kevin Robert* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Jernigan, Robert Wyatt Chandler Business & Economics Dean's List N
Johnson, Hunter-Paige * Business & Economics President's List Y
Johnson, Ian T Business & Economics Dean's List N
Johnson, Shaniya De'Shay Business & Economics President's List N
Jones, Grace Ann* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Joye, Ryan Douglas Business & Economics Dean's List N
Keely, Jacob Michael Business & Economics Dean's List N
Kelley, Peyton Alyssa Business & Economics Dean's List N
Kim, Zoe Natalia Business & Economics Dean's List N
Kincheloe, Nicolas James* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Laing, Ethan Matthew* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Lam, Zachary Davis Business & Economics Dean's List N
Landis, Emma Katherine Business & Economics Dean's List N
Loomis, Mattison Rose Business & Economics Dean's List N
Maddrey, Noah Keith Business & Economics Dean's List N
Malisko, Thomas Ryan Business & Economics Dean's List N
Marchetti, Teresa Giuliana Business & Economics Dean's List N
Mason, Abby * Business & Economics President's List Y
Mayer, Katya Elisabeth Pratt Business & Economics Dean's List N
Mendiola-Aguilar, Francisco Business & Economics Dean's List N
Merkel, Grace Elizabeth Business & Economics Dean's List N
Messick, Andrew Stephen* Business & Economics President's List Y
Miller, Greyson Anthony Business & Economics President's List N
Minson, Karleigh Kerin-Marie Business & Economics Dean's List N
Mirakian, Breanna Marie Business & Economics President's List N
Mitchell, Julia C Business & Economics President's List N
Mitchell, Mason Hall Business & Economics Dean's List N
Morris, Corey Business & Economics Dean's List N
Morse, Star Lattina Business & Economics Dean's List N
Nelson, James Ward* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Nkereuwem, Leslie Nyong Business & Economics Dean's List N
Norwood, Madison * Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Ott, Jordan Alexander* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Pabst, Reghan Nicole Business & Economics Dean's List N
Patel, Kevin Rajeshkumar Business & Economics Dean's List N
Poe, Madison Kain Business & Economics Dean's List N
Post, Lauren Marie Business & Economics Dean's List N
Rakes, Nicholas Austin Business & Economics Dean's List N
Redd, Luke G* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Rice, Christopher Allen Business & Economics Dean's List N
Richardson, Ryan Business & Economics Dean's List N
Riddick, Cameron Scott Business & Economics Dean's List N
Ridgway, Noah Robert Business & Economics Dean's List N
Riley, Cameron Lynn Business & Economics Dean's List N
Roberson, Alana Carol* Business & Economics President's List Y
Rocabert, Ernest Business & Economics Dean's List N
Rugola, Kayla Elizabeth Business & Economics Dean's List N
Rumbaugh, Ellie Gadd* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Seamans, Kaylin Renee Business & Economics Dean's List N
Seward, Nicholas Marshall Business & Economics Dean's List N
Shaw, Kathryn Virginia Business & Economics Dean's List N
Sherman, Ryan Nicole* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Sherrod, Dianna Marie Business & Economics Dean's List N
Shook, Isaac Randall Business & Economics Dean's List N
Siggia, Ava Elizabeth Business & Economics President's List N
Skinner, Maxwell Aden Business & Economics Dean's List N
Smilek-Edwards, Sandra L Business & Economics Dean's List N
Smiley, Joshua Allen Business & Economics President's List N
Smith, Emily Catherine* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Smith, Kaleb Brock Business & Economics Dean's List N
Smith, Keishawn Kameron Business & Economics Dean's List N
Staudenmayer, Haley Amelia Business & Economics Dean's List N
Stevenson, Ethan Business & Economics Dean's List N
Strowger, Hayley Katherine Business & Economics Dean's List N
Sulc, Joshua A Business & Economics Dean's List N
Sullenger, Hadley Moore Business & Economics President's List N
Tarkenton, Tyler Andrew Business & Economics Dean's List N
Taylor, Grace Elizabeth Business & Economics Dean's List N
Taylor, Margaret Marlene* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Triebsch, Kristina Marie Business & Economics Dean's List N
Turnwald, Verena Carolin* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Vaughan, Parker Theodore Business & Economics Dean's List N
Wallace, Brianna Paytin Business & Economics Dean's List N
Weinberg, Yoav Business & Economics President's List N
Weinberger, Colin A Business & Economics Dean's List N
Whitford, Scott Alexander Business & Economics Dean's List N
Wiechert, Kailey * Business & Economics President's List Y
Wiley, Michael David* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Williams, Connor Reed* Business & Economics Dean's List Y
Wood, Justin Miller Business & Economics Dean's List N
Abasy, Aliyah Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Abbassy, Minnat-Allah Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Ackerman, Ella Marie* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Adair, Georgia E Education & Human Services President's List N
Adomako, Stephanie Achia Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Affeldt, Madison Paige Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Akers, Erika Morgan Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Allred, Ainslie Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Alshammaa, Samia Hayat Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Altamirano, Jasmine Education & Human Services President's List N
Altamirano Rodriguez, Karina Education & Human Services President's List N
Amos, Chloe Marissa Education & Human Services President's List N
Amos, Jillian Faith Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Anderson, Carlicia Antavia Education & Human Services President's List N
Anderson-Jenkins, I-Mecka Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Andreson, Madeline Rose Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Arrington, Rebecca Rose Education & Human Services President's List N
Austin, Alyssa Marie* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Baber, Rachel Lee Ellen Education & Human Services President's List N
Bailey, Grace Ruby* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Bailey, Kayla AnnEdel Education & Human Services President's List N
Baker, Ashlyn Rosemarie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Balsis, Mason James Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Barker, Jacob Christian* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Barlow, Ryane Elizabeth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Barnett, Rylie Renee Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Barrett, Anna Mae Lynn* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Barts, Kayla Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bazala, Hayley Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Bendall, Haley Mariko Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Best, Teagan Nicole* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Bilby, Phoebe Saint Catherine Education & Human Services President's List N
Blankenship, Natalie Ryan Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Boeckle, Emily Irene* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Boffi, Katelyn Nicole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bohannon, Joshua Case Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bonner, Brooke F Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Boschen, Morgan Kay* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Bowen, Bailey Lynn Education & Human Services President's List N
Bowen, Mackenzie Eliza* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Boyd, Kaya Jhene Education & Human Services President's List N
Boyd, Shanya Lanay Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Briggs, Claire Ashlynn* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Brown, Allison Kathryn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bryant, Emma Maria* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Bryant, Jordan Alyssa Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bryant, Katelyn Rose* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Buchanan, Angela Hope Education & Human Services President's List N
Buchanan, Brooke Michelle* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Bumgardner, Madison Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Bunce, Stephanie Wilson Education & Human Services President's List N
Buracker, Jessica M* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Burnett, Austin Leigh Tess* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Burton, Jillian Nicolette Education & Human Services President's List N
Bustillos, Gabriella L* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Byers, Emily F Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Cajigas, Emma Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Camlin, Danielle Angela Education & Human Services President's List N
Carpenter, Erica Christina Education & Human Services President's List N
Casey, Kylie Marie* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Challis, Kristina Denise Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Chambers, Lauren McKenzie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Clements, Abby Gray Education & Human Services President's List N
Clements, Andrea Deanne Education & Human Services President's List N
Clemmer, Luke Alexander* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Cole, Katie Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Connelly, Ashley Noel Education & Human Services President's List N
Conry, Abigail M Education & Human Services President's List N
Cook, Madalyn Victoria* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Cooper, Kaiya A Education & Human Services President's List N
Corker, Michaela Brooks Education & Human Services President's List N
Cosby, Madelyn G Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Craft, Riana Nicole Education & Human Services President's List N
Craun, Coy Louis Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Criner, Tanya Montana Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Cripe, Cailynn Jene Education & Human Services President's List N
Cunningham, Abigayle Bryce Education & Human Services President's List N
D'Imperio, Lindsay Nicole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dalton, Emma Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Daniel, Tamia Jacquelyn* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Dankenbring, Emily Grace Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Davis, Alexzandria O* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Davis, Rebecca Ann Education & Human Services President's List N
Davis, Zoe Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dean, Taylor Nicole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Decker, Kalista Nicole Education & Human Services President's List N
Dennard, Harrison Jacob Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Deppen, Noel Alexandra Education & Human Services President's List N
Devine, Annie Elizabeth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Devivi, Kayley Reigh Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dickson, Zoe Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dinger, Alexandra Frances Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dobek, Kristen Elaine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dodson, Camryn Paige* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Dooley, Madison Education & Human Services President's List N
Douglass, Shannon Mary Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Drago, Jacqueline Rhianna Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Drake, Bethany Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Draper, Eliana Xiaoli* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Dumville, Genevieve Charlyn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Dunham, Quinn Joseph Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Eanes, Russell Andrey Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Eckert, Kaylee A* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Edwards, Jessie Lynn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Eick, Leah Rose* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Elliott, Annie Victoria Education & Human Services President's List N
Elliott, Kinley Ann Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Espinoza, Paul George Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Evans, Emilyne Noelle* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Eversole, Makenzee Shae Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Farascioni, Sophia Frances Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Faris, Gillian Scott Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Faulk, Jessica Hailey Education & Human Services President's List N
Fischer, Taylor Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Fitz, Morgan Taylor Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Fitzgerald, Olivia A Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Foley, Rebecca Renee* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Ford, Ashley Nicole Education & Human Services President's List N
Fording, Kaitlyn Rene' Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Forsht, Heather Anne Education & Human Services President's List N
Fox, Lauren Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Franchebois, Macy Marie Education & Human Services President's List N
Francis, Haley R Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Franklin, Rylee Renee Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Frazier, Abigail Loree Education & Human Services President's List N
Frias-Alvarez, Vivian Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Fugate, Elizabeth Anne Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Furrow, Angel Dawn Education & Human Services President's List N
Gagliardi, Georgia Leigh Education & Human Services President's List N
Gandam, Sarah Elizabeth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Garriott, Tawna Nicole* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Giambra, Emily Katherine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Gibbons, Sean Michael Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Gill, Julia Brianna* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Gill, Kylie Erin Education & Human Services President's List N
Glattfelder-Quizon, Madison Kamryn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Glover, Katelyn Faith* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Gomez, Angelika Maninang* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Gravely, Lauren Emelia* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Greenway, Geraldine M Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Greer, Sarah Nicole Education & Human Services President's List N
Gunn, Kevin Allen Education & Human Services President's List N
Gutierrez, Ana Sofia Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Habib, Anna Kathleen* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Hahn, Greta Ann Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hall, Anna Rose Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hall, Haeley Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hall, Jael Sarah* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Halstead, Kendall Education & Human Services President's List N
Handley, David Raymond Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hardee, Brittney Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hartley, Caitlin Anne-Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hartman, Skylar Madison* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Harvey, Laura Beth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Hatcher, Marshall Ray Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hazelgrove, Trinity Lin* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Heller, Tori Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Hendricks, Maria Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Hepner, Cali Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hicks, Carly Rae Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hill, Leigha N Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hix, Kate Anna Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hodge, Rachel Elaine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hoffman, Abigail Sue Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Holt, Olivia Claire Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hong, Grace Yunjung Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hunley, Madyson Shea Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Hyatt, Meghan Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Iddings, Jacob Allen Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Iman, Rachel May* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Irby, Shelby Cheyenne* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Jackson, Candice Chanel Education & Human Services Dean's List N
James, Kaya Education & Human Services President's List N
James, Margaret Mary Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Jarratt, Kelly Ann* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Jensen, Melanie Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Johannesen, Kiersten Abbey* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Johnson, Chancellor Reilley Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Johnson, Madison Rose Education & Human Services President's List N
Jones, Sara Michele* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Jones, Skyler Addison Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Kapp, Courtney Sumner Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Kate, Adam Frederick Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Keene, Sydney Gayle* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Kelly, Kathryn Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Keough, Rebecca Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Kerstetter, Grace Elaine Education & Human Services President's List N
Keup, Lindsey Paige Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Knight, Kellie S Education & Human Services President's List N
Knotts, Kayla Lee Education & Human Services President's List N
Koenig, Julia Yvonne* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Kohama-Flores, Isabella M Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Krause, Lukas Heinz Education & Human Services President's List N
Krauss, Sarah Anne Education & Human Services President's List N
Kriewaldt, Maria Isabel Ruth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Kurtz, Tyler * Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Labott, Victoria Elise Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lampl, Paige Elizabeth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Laverty, Alyce * Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Lawson, Alexis Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lawson, Ashley Nicole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lawson, Molly Katelyn Education & Human Services President's List N
Lehrke, Rebecca Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Leonard, Trevor Lee Education & Human Services President's List N
Leroy, Anne-Hamilton Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Levine, Kylie Jordan* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Lewis, Emma Helene* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Lewis, Kiana Linnette Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lewter, Ethan James Education & Human Services President's List N
Libby, Claire Education & Human Services President's List N
Liles, Aaliyah Corrine* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Link, Veronica Ariel Education & Human Services President's List N
Lisenby, Sara Joyce* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Livesay, Megan M'lynn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Livingstone, Abigail Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Lliteras, Nathanial Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lockey, Caitlin Marie Education & Human Services President's List N
Long, Rebecca Rose Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Looney, Justin O'Dell Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lutz, Benjamin Jacob Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Lynch, Hailey Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mack, Anna Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Malise, Sara Lorya Education & Human Services President's List N
Mancuso, Briauna J Education & Human Services President's List N
Mann, Laurie A Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Marin, Hailey Rebecca Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Marker, Kendal Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Marshall, Brooke Austin* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Martin, Claire Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Martino, Mary Margaret* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Maxwell, Zoe Alexandra* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Mayers, Samantha Dorothy Education & Human Services Dean's List N
McCallister, Abigail Lee Education & Human Services Dean's List N
McCowin, Tyra Angelique Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mcdonald, Michaela Lynn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
McGuire, Emily Grace* Education & Human Services President's List Y
McKean, Decker Harrison Education & Human Services Dean's List N
McLaughlin, Lucy C Education & Human Services President's List N
McLoone, Kensington Rose* Education & Human Services President's List Y
McSweeney, Allison Claire Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Meadows, Eryn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mellott, Felisha Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Metzler, Marta Emilia Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mikolajczak, Natalie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Miller, Dorothy Reynolds Education & Human Services President's List N
Miller, Raegan Marie Education & Human Services President's List N
Mills, Parker Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mitchell, Emma Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Mohrhusen, Lauren Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Moody, Hayley Scott Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Morehead, Kammilly Geovanna-Victoria Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Morris, Katrina N Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mozingo, Alayna Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Mundy, Ellen Grace Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Neas, Megan Davenport Education & Human Services President's List N
Newcomb, Emma E Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Nguyen, Jordan Ray Education & Human Services President's List N
Nicholson, Samantha Storm Education & Human Services President's List N
Nix, Jaimie Ruth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Noble, Carrington Leah Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Noe, Victoria Rose Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Oakes, Bailey Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Oakes, Cara Maylene Education & Human Services President's List N
Oakley, Cierra Kimberly Education & Human Services President's List N
Oberfeld, Kayla Education & Human Services President's List N
Orlando, Lauren Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Paolillo, Kayla Elise Education & Human Services President's List N
Parr, Kara Marlene Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Parrott, Kaylee Brooke Education & Human Services President's List N
Parton, Danielle Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Passa, Sophia Ann Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Patnaude, Katherine Braden Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Patterson, Breanna Denise Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Patterson, Christavia B Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Pedigo, Sydney Jane* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Pellegrino, Tayler Ann Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Pence, Owen Malcolm Education & Human Services President's List N
Petruzzello, Alyssa Jean Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Pietrantoni, Delaney R Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Plude, Britney Anne Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Pribble, Madison Eryn* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Price, Jocelyn Corrine* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Pristas, Allison Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Puleo, Grace Tully Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Quinn, Chaeli Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Rabearisoa, Andrea Nirihanta Education & Human Services President's List N
Rankin, Savannah Leigh Education & Human Services President's List N
Rapole, Alyssa Education & Human Services President's List N
Reece, Lilian Taylor* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Resnick, Kelsey Michelle* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Reynolds, Juanita Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Rice, Mackenzie Raine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Robles, Sabrina Lee Henley* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Rodriguez Bresnahan, Daniella Marie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Roller, Abigail Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Roquemore, Sarah Rhiannon* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Rosche, Isabel Kristan Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Ross, McKenzie Quinn Education & Human Services President's List N
Rothermel, Mitchell Robert Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Rubens, Kaitlyn Education & Human Services President's List N
Saez Camara, Maria Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Sale, Katherine Scott* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Schlosser, Melissa Kay Education & Human Services President's List N
Schmied, Anna L* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Schrum, Josephine E* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Sciulli, Oliver Alan John Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Scraba, Samantha Anne Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Seal, Makaela B Education & Human Services President's List N
Sehlhorst, Trevor Jefferson Education & Human Services President's List N
Seward, Seth O'Neal* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Seymour, Ashlyn Education & Human Services President's List N
Shaffer, Abigail Kathleen Education & Human Services President's List N
Shanes, Hunter A Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Shank, Nora Claire* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Shelton, Angela Reese Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Silkensen, Jessica Ann Education & Human Services President's List N
Sillett, Hailee Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Simmons, Rachel Dorothy Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Skowysz, Haley M* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Smallwood, Tyler Keely* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Snider, Brooke Mackenzie Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Sowell, Katherine Sage Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Spears, Natalie May Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Stacey, Briahna Setsue* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Starego, Renee Ann* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Steeley, Addison Paige Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Stevens, Derek Cleveland Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Stevens, Sara Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Stimpson, Lauren Cecelia Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Stockton, Logan Riley Education & Human Services President's List N
Storey, Lydia Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Sutton, Cassandra Garrett Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Szalay, Caitlin Rose Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Tate, Lindsey Nicole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Taylor, Lauren Ashley Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Terry, Alyssa Grace Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Tharpe, Morgan Louise Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Tidwell, Alexis Brooke* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Tierney, Zoe Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Tinsley, Chandler Drake Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Todaro, Madison Education & Human Services President's List N
Torbinski, Abigail Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Travis, Colton Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Trench, AnneMarie Augusta Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Trent, Sydney Catherine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Trinkala, Hannah Louise Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Trueman, Caroline Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Tuck, Danielle Rose Education & Human Services President's List N
Tursic, Mary Katherine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Tyree, Kelsee Rae Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Unger, Kaley Jordan Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Unser, Kimberly Lauren Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Vago, Ashley Brooke Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Ventura, Lesly Yaneth* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Verlander, Makenzie Rae Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Vick, Lauren Elizabeth* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Villa, Samuel David Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Wells, Christa Anne Education & Human Services Dean's List N
West, Jordan Alexandra Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Westmiller, Katelyn Josephine Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Whitlock, Kelsey Lynn Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Whittaker, Makayla Lyne Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Wieckert, Kendall Michelle* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Wilbur, Emmaline Grace* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Wilkinson, Benjamin David Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Williams, Keely Renee Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Williams, Kristin Nichole Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Williams, Lamonteise Levert Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Williamson, Lydia Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Williamson, Tristin A Education & Human Services President's List N
Wilmoth, Bailee Michelle Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Wilson, Cara Grace Education & Human Services President's List N
Winebarger, Kayleigh Education & Human Services President's List N
Wiseman, Gracie Elizabeth Education & Human Services Dean's List N
Witt, Megan Danielle* Education & Human Services Dean's List Y
Witte, Kiersten Diane* Education & Human Services President's List Y
Young, Faith Elizabeth Education & Human Services President's List N
Zahringer, Alexa Education & Human Services Dean's List N